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The VVS betting game for the UEFA EURO 2024

betting game

Almost more fun than going there: BET

Take part in our VVS betting game now and win great prizes!

  • 1st place: Deutschand-Ticket for 1 year
  • 2nd to 6th place: Deutschland-Ticket for 1 month
  • Places 7 to 10: ErlebnisCards for the region
  • Other prizes: 24x2 tickets for a stadium tour at VfB Stuttgart, 50 VVS footballs and single day tickets for the entire VVS area

We are also giving away 10x2 Citytour tickets worth 400 euros and 2x2 Friday wine tastings at the Weinbaumuseum worth 100 euros each among all tips for the matches in Stuttgart.

To the betting game